Now enrolling for A Therapeutic Expressive Support Group for Children

Karla Mancero
MA, LMFT (She/Her)

Finding the best fit for your child is important and can feel overwhelming and confusing. I am sure you have many questions and one of my goals when you contact me is to help you in your quest. We will discuss if play therapy and/or expressive arts therapy can offer the best tools to help your child learn skills for this challenging time in their young life. If you would like to move to the next step then we will set up a time for you to come in or meet online to further discuss if I am the best fit. Please click here to set up a 15 minute phone call or use the Calendly app below. Thank you for reaching out to find support for you and your family.


  • Grief and Loss counseling for children and families. 
  • Social skills and communication issues. 
  • Social and Separation Anxiety
  • Emotional Dysregulation 
  • Behavior Difficulties (i.e. impulsivity, angry outburst, acting out emotions)
  • Attachment Issues (i.e. indiscriminate attachment to caregivers, distrust of caregivers)
  • Caregiver/Foster care Adjustment
  • Helping neurodiverse children and teens cope, adapt, and accept stressors related to their individual needs. 
  • Helping youth and young adults with life transitions (i.e. entering workforce, going away to college). 


Child Therapy

When meeting with a child, I use many tools that I incorporate through play and expressive arts to engage and help your child learn to regulate their emotions. Along with the child, I like to form a partnership with caregivers to increase success throughout the process of growing and healing.


When meeting with a teen, I listen to where they are at in their growth and what has motivated them to take this step in their life. Often, I utilize my training in Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), and expressive arts therapy. My aim is to guide teens as well as helping them reflect on their unique perspectives.

Parent/Caregiver Coaching

When working with caregivers, I offer support where it will most benefit their needs. My goal is to help them build connections with their child through providing perspective, resources, and compassionate guidance. I utilize my training and experience in working with families coping with high levels of stress and trauma.

Family Therapy

When working with family, I listen and value the perspective of each member of the family. I see the family as a whole system and my approach is to help each individual create connections within that system.